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An Open-Door Policy Ensures Talent Retention

Professional diploma in train the trainer courses emphasize open door policy to a great extent. The reason behind normalizing this policy is to ensure crystal clear communication among employees where hierarchy is not the boundary. It is more like a feedback system that is transparent and thus a sense of bonding and trust gets developed. ...

Written By : Samantha Kanth

Pro Tips To Complete TEFL Course Online!

Online courses are thriving and becoming popular with the existing use of technology. With flexible timing and mode of operation of the program from anywhere, TEFL online course is one such in the ESL/EFL field that has captured the attention of many English teachings including those who are on the verge of changing their career. ...

Written By : Soma Pillai

Manage Stress To Inspire Better School Leadership

Managing stress is challenging for every industry. Burnout is a real thing in the school workspace. The educational field being so demanding these days with changes now and then, leaders of school must know how to navigate stress by themselves, so that they can create a healthy working environment for staffs. ...

Written By : Krishna Shetty

Quick Ways To Build Student Relationship

21st century classroom does require the teacher to put his/her effort beyond delivering the lesson. Student relationship building is an essential task for a teacher. By developing such organic connection, the teacher can perform better in the classroom with comfort, manage the learning environment with ease and provide learner-centric lessons. ...

Written By : Samantha Kanth

How To Grow A Child's Scientific Vocabulary?

Calling spade a spade, a child involves himself/herself in a class only when the subject matter is appealing enough. With the help of constructive designs, children learn the scientific terms easily and understand the academic concepts. ...

Written By : Soma Pillai

Practical Ways To Help Children With Dyscalculia

As the world is changing, parents are now seen to have broader perspective towards the disabilities and are no more sceptical about it. In the 21st Century, teachers and parents collectively help the learner to tackle the situation and come out of the disability. There are different ways to do so! ...

Written By : Krishna Shetty